Sunday, June 29, 2008

Just Study.

First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOEY! have fun for your birthday and dont emo. HAHAH.

alright, i need to study. please. i have to keep telling myself. okay, shit it.

let's off my comp soon and get to work :D


some random pics.

random pic on bus in malaysia.

hasiff, jonathan and me during SPEC Course in SISPEC (:

birthday celebration for me and daddy's bday on 110608.

hahha, omg, dad's face. okay, mine no better.

at fish and co. on my bday! got sabo-ed! but i was stunned and happy!!! thanks to nick tracy and fang :D

act seh, play guitar. actually, i know nuts! :D

poor little bird we found in school.

08S20 at CKT condo :D

malaysia trip during hols. shopping!

me and baby nephew in malaysia. miss him! he's super duper cute, u have to agree.

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