Tuesday, July 29, 2008



Things ain't going too well. Failing tests and all. I wanna stop. It's all up to Promos now.

Life has never spare painless moments for us, accept it. It's hard, though.

Very long since I posted uh? Hahha, so busy. Only have some time to rest this week. After that, it's preparation for Promos, i guess?

Jiayous to everyone, be it Polytechnic or JCs students. Let's strive (:

GOODBYE. Pictures.

This is Art :D

Samsung Omnia.

Nice right? Not mine. My brother is a part-time Samsung promoter! Hahah!

Crippled man had photographical phobia. It was Trilympics at Toa Payoh! Enjoyed :D

Toa Payoh Town at 2am. OMG, spooky.

This is what we do at LT when there's no one. It's Party Time. (:

My masterpiece during Econs lessons. I do this to keep myself awake. I listen to the lecturer too! :D

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