Monday, October 20, 2008

Pictures of Learning Journey

Hello. Well, school was okay today. So many breaks and the best of it was that Economics lecture was cancelled! :D It's not that I don't wanna go for lecture but LT1 was once again, without air conditioning! I can't focus without a conducive environment. lol. Went home straight after that. (:

That's all and now, I'm gonna upload all of our Learning Journey pictures! (:

Don't know why i was emo-ing there while the guide talked.

Hey man, it's the 17 gang aka 164 gang aka the most awesome clique from 08S20, made up of Haresh at the background, Keming, Me, Xihong and Choon! The right side one not included by the way :X

We are attentive, okay!


Top view shot of our class in CHC!

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